Harvesting Now !

Well, actually we won't have any 2018 produce till May/June... but you can click the below links to see our 2018 harvest plan. 

Our Harvest Schedule.... for 2018 Season  !

Our harvest schedule is powered by our farm database.

Like most farmers,  we keep detailed records about our crops to accumulate "local knowledge"  to use to plan farming activities in future years.   

We're also capturing data about labor and material costs so that we can identify which crops are profitable and which ones are not.  To be a sustainable farm we need to refine our growing technique so that we can generate a reasonable income from our farming activities.  The data we're collecting provides an objective assessment of outcome for each crop. 

Our database is scalable and could accommodate hundreds of farms.  We've designed our database to run on a shared platform so that it can be offered as a FREE resource for any small farm.  We're presently testing the database as a shared resource with other farms and hope to include a few more farms in 2018.